
Latest developments in causes and treatments



sugar addiction

Is It or Isn’t It?

In the world of blameworthy substances, sugar is both the 800-pound gorilla and the elephant in the room. Research shows alarming results.

The Sugar Conundrum

The surplus of neurochemicals that results from eating sugar creates a heightened sense of well-being that is the same as drug intoxication.

Sugar As an Addictive Substance, or Not

While it may not meet the particular academic criteria, the effects of sugar addiction are just as real and devastating as if it ticked all the scientific boxes.

Sugar Shambles

Sugar is right up there with (both notoriously addictive) cigarettes and alcohol as a killer.

Sugar and the “A” Word

From a displacement theory standpoint, sugar appears to be a cue that triggers eating as a displacement behavior. This may develop into an eating addiction.

The Most Commonly Used White Drug

All things considered, it seems that a strong case could be made for labeling sugar as an addictive substance.