
Latest developments in causes and treatments




Stress Reduction Techniques to Moderate Addictive or Compulsive Behavior

Stress is a major driver behind addictive and compulsive behaviors and it’s also a major barrier to recovery.

You Broke It, You Bought It: Contingency Management and Addiction Recovery

There is a stunning amount of resistance to the most effective opioid addiction treatment: paying addicts to not take drugs.

Using Lifestyle Medicine to Treat Illness by Changing Behavior

Lifestyle medicine is a six-sided approach to improving lifestyles as a treatment for chronic disease.

New Research Into How Addiction Impacts the Brain’s Reward Pathway

Rockefeller University and Mount Sinai study the role of the nucleus accumbens in the brain’s reward pathway.

Understanding the Compulsive Disorder Cycle

The role of stress in addiction is explored in the work of Kwako and Koob on the Compulsive Disorder Cycle.

The Relationship Between Stress and Addiction

Examining the research showing a connection between stress and addiction.