Chris Gethard and the Long Haul
In a nightclub, where a lot of booze has to be sold just to keep the doors open, a comedian is often up against a negative and unhealthy audience expectation.
Craving Inertia and Substance Use Disorders
A new study says craving inertia during treatment for substance use disorder predicts abstinence five years later.
We’re Sober, Not Boring
Miserable struggling people need to know there are alternatives to self-destruction. To bring these formerly shunned topics into the world of public hilarity is a bold but logical move.
New Homelessness Report Mysteriously Silent on Substance Use Disorders
HUD annual report shows a sharp rise in homelessness but says little about causes and cures.
With a Little Help From My Friends
During the winter holidays, social media websites heat up with communication between people who do not want to lose their sobriety, and others who are on hand with encouraging words.
Surprising Good News in the Battle Against Substance Use Disorders
The Monitoring the Future Survey shows a surprising and steady decline in teenage substance abuse.