Will Journavx, a New, Non-Addictive Painkiller, Eliminate Opioid Addiction?
The FDA has approved suzetrigine, a non-opiate signal blocker, for treatment of moderate and severe acute pain.
Elephant Tranquilizer, the Most Powerful Opioid Ever, Is Causing Overdose Deaths
The CDC issues an alert on carfentanil, a synthetic opioid considered to be 100 times more powerful than fentanyl.
Tranq Is a Non-Opiate Sedative That Maims and Kills
A recent symposium on the xylazine crisis focuses on the sedative known as tranq and its disturbing side effects.
Beyond Detox, Beyond Sobriety
Where alcohol is concerned, detoxification or “drying out” is not treatment, but only the first step toward a booze-free existence.
Why We Need Medication-Assisted Addiction Treatment
Adopting evidence-based treatment is essential to tackling the overdose crisis. Bias and stigma in this area can lead to unnecessary deaths.
A Shift in the Future of Addiction in America
NPR Morning Edition reports on a persistent, marked decline in monthly overdose deaths that is sweeping across the United States.