
Latest developments in causes and treatments



Alcohol Abuse

Investigative Journalist Takes a Hard Look at California’s Addiction Treatment Programs

Watchdog Columnist Teri Sforza attends ASAM55 and comes away with a few suggestions for California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Telehealth Company, Pelago, Raises Additional $58 Million in Venture Capital Funding

Virtual clinic, Pelago, raises $58 million for expansion in remote delivery of substance use disorder treatment.

Drug Companies “Apathetic” About Testing GLP-1 Drugs to Treat Substance Use Disorders

Early studies of GLP-1 drugs for substance abuse treatment show promise, but drug companies are slow to fund research.

The End of Alcoholism?

When the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism says it’s time to stop using the term, “alcoholism,” it’s worth looking into.