About AddictionNews
AddictionNews is a resource covering the fields of addiction science, addiction studies, addiction treatment, the psychology of addiction, the medical view of addiction, motivational studies, stress management, the healthcare response to addiction, and the evaluation of addiction therapies.
AddictionNews has grown out of Childhood Obesity News, our top-ranked blog which has covered the childhood obesity epidemic for over 10 years. Childhood Obesity News remains an important archive on causes of childhood obesity and evaluations of recommended therapies. AddictionNews brings the same journalistic examination to the broader field of addiction science.
AddictionNews covers the topics of food addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sex addiction, pornography addiction, gambling addiction, and other addictions and compulsive behaviors including nail biting, hair pulling, self-injury, and thrill-seeking, plus displacement and displacement studies.
AddictionNews is focused on reviewing the publications of literally thousands of sources, then summarizing and linking to the best science we find. AddictionNews is packed with resources and reviews on addiction, displacement, and stress management, including the psychological underpinnings of addiction. AddictionNews is an essential resource for scientists, clinicians, researchers, teachers, students, healthcare professionals, legislators, survivors, and all others concerned with addiction causes and therapies.
About Dr. Robert Pretlow
Robert A. Pretlow, MD MSEE FAAP, is the founder of eHealth International and publisher of AddictionNews and Childhood Obesity News. Dr. Pretlow is a pediatrician, an engineer, and an author. He completed his undergraduate studies at Princeton University and earned his M.D. at the University of Virginia where he completed his residency in pediatrics. Dr. Pretlow is board certified in pediatrics and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP).
Dr. Pretlow also holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) from Old Dominion University. His massive, multi-decade survey of teens’ opinions about eating, overweight, weight loss, and obesity led to the book, Overweight: What Kids Say, and to the behavior modification app, BrainWeighve, currently in trials at UCLA.
Dr. Pretlow’s practice is based in Seattle, Washington. He’s an avid ballroom dancer. He has two adult children.
PRESENTATIONS by Dr. Robert Prelow
PUBLICATIONS by Dr. Robert Pretlow
About eHealth International, Inc.
eHealth International is the parent of AddictionNews and Childhood Obesity News. The company is also a pioneer in the therapeutic use of smartphone applications in the treatment of childhood obesity, including the BrainWeighve behavior modification app currently in trials at UCLA. eHealth International is a research institute conducting research on interactive, dynamic, internet-based health and patient care — or “eCare” — applications. These applications include interactive patient information/education websites, internet-based disease monitoring and management, and patient support groups (threaded message boards and private chat rooms).
Contact Information
eHealth International, Inc.
2800 Elliott Ave., Ste. 1430
Seattle, WA 98121-1193 U.S.A.
Website: http://www.ehealthintl.com/
Email: [email protected]
Voice: (206) 448-4414