
Latest developments in causes and treatments



substance abuse

Sugar As an Addictive Substance, or Not

While it may not meet the particular academic criteria, the effects of sugar addiction are just as real and devastating as if it ticked all the scientific boxes.

The Connection Between Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Recent surveys examine the relationship between substance use disorders and mental health disorders and recommend integrated treatment.

Preventing Stigma From Preventing Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

Stigma is a powerful barrier to treatment for substance use disorders. AddictionNews examines a timely meta study on stigma and substance abuse.

Why Do Some People Become Addicted While Others Do Not?

Researchers examine all the scientific literature on decision-making in addiction and reduce it to a common set of questions and theories.

Why Drug Addiction Treatments Are Failing

The drugs used to treat heroin and cocaine addiction are less effective against fentanyl and xylazine addiction. What this says about the sources of addiction.

Are All Addictions Alike?

A huge, new meta study found surprising similarities in the brain scans of all different types of substance abusers.