
Latest developments in causes and treatments




Wastewater Analysis From the Happiest Places on Earth

Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) for drugs could be enormously helpful in directing drug use prevention and recovery resources.

How the Demonization of Addiction Costs Municipalities Lives and Money

Due to stigma and moral hazard, many communities suffer more overdose deaths, lost income and unreimbursed costs.

School Counselors Poorly Equipped To Deal With Vaping, Gaming

A new study of high school guidance counselors shows they are poorly equipped to deal with vaping and gaming addiction.

Resources For Stigma Recognition and Reduction

A short guide to several large collections of resources for stigma recognition and reduction.

The Addiction Policy Forum’s Anti-Stigma Initiative Launches in 100 Sites

Cities across the United States are learning this week whether they’ve been accepted into Addiction Policy Forum’s Anti-Stigma Initiative.