
Latest developments in causes and treatments



eating addiction

Sugar As an Addictive Substance, or Not

While it may not meet the particular academic criteria, the effects of sugar addiction are just as real and devastating as if it ticked all the scientific boxes.

Sugar and the “A” Word

From a displacement theory standpoint, sugar appears to be a cue that triggers eating as a displacement behavior. This may develop into an eating addiction.

Is Ozempic Shrinking Profits for Snack Food Firms?

The snack food industry is bracing for reduced sales due to GLP-1 drugs such as Ozempic.

Dysfunctional Displacement

One thing unites both behavioral and substance addictions: displacement.

Eating Addiction

Not long ago, scientists believed food could not be addictive. Now the research is in, eating addiction is real, and there is hope for possible treatments.