
Latest developments in causes and treatments




Relapse From Substance Use Disorder

A new study points to a pattern of events that lead to relapse from substance use disorder.

Craving Inertia and Substance Use Disorders

A new study says craving inertia during treatment for substance use disorder predicts abstinence five years later.

Breakthroughs in Focused Ultrasound As Addiction Treatment

The Wall Street Journal takes a close look at how focused ultrasound is being used to treat addiction.

Is Addiction Really a Chronic Brain Disease?

Dr. Reinout W. Wiers summarizes the arguments in favor of classifying addiction as a chronic brain disease.

Urge Suppression: The Relationship Between Impulsivity and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder

Two studies, one from the U.S. involving brain scans plus a systematic review from France look at urge suppression, impulsivity, alcohol use disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What Is Akrasia and How Does It Impact Drug Addiction?

Dr. Dan Ariely, a psychologist and behavioral economist practicing behavioral medicine at Duke University, talks about akrasia and drug addiction.