Following the Addiction Treatment Trail in Boston
WBUR in Boston follows a recovering addict through addiction treatment, and we follow along.
A Shift in the Future of Addiction in America
NPR Morning Edition reports on a persistent, marked decline in monthly overdose deaths that is sweeping across the United States.
Toward a Universal Treatment for Addiction
Combining two recent resources, we attempt to sketch a universal treatment for behavioral disorders and substance use disorders.
Akrasia, Biased Choice, and the Unified Theory of Addiction
In concluding his book, A New Approach to Addiction and Choice, Dr. Reinout W. Wiers stumbles upon the Unified Theory of Addiction.
How to Change Your Mind
In his book, A New Approach to Addiction and Choice, Dr. Reinout Wiers examines ways to repair cognitive systems damaged by addiction.
Avatar-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
Dr. Carolyn Easton at the University of Rochester is part of a team exploring the use of digital technologies in the treatment of substance use disorders.