
Latest developments in causes and treatments



Steve O'Keefe

Early Detection of Risk for Gambling and Gaming Disorders

A search for early warning signals of gambling disorders and gaming disorders is mostly fruitless.

Evaluations of the Therapeutic Community in Addiction Treatment

Therapeutic communities or “wellness farms” are in the news. We take a look at their track record.

Understanding GLP-1 Discontinuation Rates

Half of the people who take GLP-1 drugs such as Ozempic quit within the first year. Why?

A Clockwork Ozempic?

A dialogue between Chris Hayes and Nicholas Reville on using GLP1-RA drugs to treat addiction.

Relapse From Substance Use Disorder

A new study points to a pattern of events that lead to relapse from substance use disorder.

Craving Inertia and Substance Use Disorders

A new study says craving inertia during treatment for substance use disorder predicts abstinence five years later.