Behavioral Addictions vs. Substance Addictions: What’s the Difference?
Research increasingly indicates that substance use disorders are actually behavioral disorders.
Why Addiction Is Not a Chronic Brain Disease
In a new book, Dr. Reinout W. Wiers asks if addiction is a chronic brain disease, how come most who suffer get better without treatment.
Is the Source of Addiction Self-Punishment?
Two prominent psychotherapists trace the source of addiction and compulsive behaviors to a desire for self-punishment.
Workaholics Create Problems for Themselves and the Organizations They Work for
Research shows that workaholics are a danger to themselves, to their families, and to the organizations they work for.
Delay Discounting and Behavioral Addiction
Delay discounting is a measure of impulsivity that has been linked to gambling addiction, eating addiction, and internet addiction.
How Does Delay Discounting Relate to Addiction?
Delay discounting is a measure of how much you have to reward a person to delay gratification. Two studies look at how it impacts addiction.