
Latest developments in causes and treatments



opioid addiction

Guardian Report Has Sobering Stats on the Future of Addiction in the U.S. and the U.K.

A pair of articles from The Guardian look at the future of addiction in the U.S. and the U.K. and what individuals can do to protect themselves.

The Gold Standard for Addiction Treatment

Mark S. Gold, M.D., a pioneer in medicine-assisted therapy and a legend in addiction treatment, offers a prescription for America’s opioid epidemic.

You Broke It, You Bought It: Contingency Management and Addiction Recovery

There is a stunning amount of resistance to the most effective opioid addiction treatment: paying addicts to not take drugs.

The Psychology of Addiction and Recovery: A Contrary View

Dr. Elias Dakwar of Columbia University’s CHOSEN addiction recovery program shares five myths about addiction that many people will find surprising.

Public Policy and America’s Opioid Epidemic

Two leading neuroscience researchers from Mount Sinai lay out their public policy recommendations for managing the opioid epidemic.

San Jose Launches First-In-The-Country Addiction Treatment Program for Teens

The Santa Clara County Valley Medical Center is setting the gold standard in comprehensive care for teens suffering from substance use disorders.