CMS “Final Rules” for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Coverage Take Effect January 1.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued “final rules” for parity in health insurance coverage for mental health and substance use disorders.
Hungry Ghosts
Hungry ghosts represent emptiness and need. Both are components of addiction that move through society through inflicted trauma and resulting stress.
First, Do No Harm. Second… Do Nothing?
Many doctors are reluctant to address substance use disorders with patients. A doctor shortage makes the situation worse.
Toward a Universal Treatment for Addiction
Combining two recent resources, we attempt to sketch a universal treatment for behavioral disorders and substance use disorders.
How to Change Your Mind
In his book, A New Approach to Addiction and Choice, Dr. Reinout Wiers examines ways to repair cognitive systems damaged by addiction.
Avatar-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders
Dr. Carolyn Easton at the University of Rochester is part of a team exploring the use of digital technologies in the treatment of substance use disorders.