An Addiction to Telling Bad Jokes
Can a person become addicted to telling bad jokes? The answer is yes.
Stress, Displacement, and the Benefits of Deep Breathing
Using the work of Italian researchers, we explore the relationship between stress, displacement and deep breathing.
Akrasia, Biased Choice, and the Unified Theory of Addiction
In concluding his book, A New Approach to Addiction and Choice, Dr. Reinout W. Wiers stumbles upon the Unified Theory of Addiction.
Stress Reduction Techniques to Moderate Addictive or Compulsive Behavior
Stress is a major driver behind addictive and compulsive behaviors and it’s also a major barrier to recovery.
Models of Addiction: Chronic Brain Disease, Biased Choice, and the Contextual Model
The New York Times takes a long look at the chronic brain disease model of addiction and some alternatives.
Will You or Won’t You: The Biased Choice Model of Addiction
The biased choice model of addiction argues that addiction is not a chronic brain disease and can be beaten with cognitive behavioral therapy.