
Latest developments in causes and treatments




Hungry Ghosts

Hungry ghosts represent emptiness and need. Both are components of addiction that move through society through inflicted trauma and resulting stress.

Akrasia and a New Approach to Addiction Recovery

Akrasia is acting against one’s own best interests, and it’s behind a new book on addiction by Dutch psychologist, Reinout W. Wiers.

Understanding Xylophagia — The Addiction to Eating Paper

Examining the literature on xylophagia, an unusual, but not uncommon, addiction to eating paper.

Continuation, the Third C of Addiction

How is substance dependence defined? And is long-term, continuous recovery from food addiction possible?

Control, the Second C of Addiction

The characteristic up for discussion today is Control, which tends to slip away.

Compulsion, the First C of Addiction      

Let’s take a look at some deep dives into human psychology as it relates to addiction, compulsion, and displacement activity.