Hungry Ghosts
Hungry ghosts represent emptiness and need. Both are components of addiction that move through society through inflicted trauma and resulting stress.
Akrasia and a New Approach to Addiction Recovery
Akrasia is acting against one’s own best interests, and it’s behind a new book on addiction by Dutch psychologist, Reinout W. Wiers.
Understanding Xylophagia — The Addiction to Eating Paper
Examining the literature on xylophagia, an unusual, but not uncommon, addiction to eating paper.
Continuation, the Third C of Addiction
How is substance dependence defined? And is long-term, continuous recovery from food addiction possible?
Control, the Second C of Addiction
The characteristic up for discussion today is Control, which tends to slip away.
Compulsion, the First C of Addiction
Let’s take a look at some deep dives into human psychology as it relates to addiction, compulsion, and displacement activity.