
Latest developments in causes and treatments



brain study

Can Addiction Be Treated With Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound?

The Wellcome Leap fund for Untangling Addiction has awarded $50 million in financing for 14 projects including low-intensity focused ultrasound (LIFU).

Addiction and the Difference Between Liking and Wanting

Research into the origins of addictive behavior finds it’s the brain, not the substance, that sets the hook.

Where Is the Brain’s Reward System and How Does It Work?

Two studies involving brain scans attempt to map out the brain’s reward system.

Is There a Relationship Between Eating Addiction and Learning Difficulties?

Research including brain scans ties together eating addiction, learning impairment, stress and anxiety.

Is It Love or Is It Dopamine? This Is Your Brain on Love!

Love can feel like an addiction for good reason: it packs a one-two punch of dopamine and oxytocin.

How Daydreaming About the Future Can Improve Substance Abuse Resistance 

Episodic future thinking — the ability to see yourself in the near future — plays a critical role in resisting substance abuse.