
Latest developments in causes and treatments




Compulsion, the First C of Addiction      

Let’s take a look at some deep dives into human psychology as it relates to addiction, compulsion, and displacement activity.

What Is Addiction?

The definition of addiction has several parts, and the ways they are assembled often determine the course of treatment.

Dopaminylation, Relapse and Withdrawal

Dr. Pretlow posits a build-up in brain energy resulting from anticipation of reward. This urge is satisfied through indulgence.

Dopamine and Dopaminylation

As we have seen, the neurotransmitter dopamine is far and away the most prominent prize the brain rewards itself with.

Dopaminylation — What and Why?

Addictive drugs and dopamine go together like peanut butter and jelly. The question is, why?

Are There Any Effective Treatments for Gambling Disorder?

What does the scientific literature say about treatments for gambling disorder?