
Latest developments in causes and treatments



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Online Gaming Addiction

Online gaming addiction is yet another form of harmful displacement that can lead to real health problems.

Creative Displacement

A new survey by the American Psychiatric Association documents the value of creative displacement to mental health.

Dysfunctional Displacement

One thing unites both behavioral and substance addictions: displacement.

Are All Addictions Alike?

A huge, new meta study found surprising similarities in the brain scans of all different types of substance abusers.

Eating Addiction

Not long ago, scientists believed food could not be addictive. Now the research is in, eating addiction is real, and there is hope for possible treatments.

Psychedelics + Psychotherapy = Brains Change Rapidly

New research indicates that the rechanneling of brain energy away from destructive addictions can be accelerated with a combination of psychotherapy and psychedelic substances.